Dana Santangelo
Germantown Title Company
2 Years of Affiliate Membership
Please expand on your previous leadership experience.
I have owned and operated my title agency for nearly 20 years and have been in the title industry for over 25 years. I have led and grown my own organization through various industry cycles and challenges. I have grown from an organization of 4 to one of over 25, with various locations in PA and NJ. This would be my first leadership position outside my own organization.
What role do you hope to play on the Board?
I would most like to bring my many years of title and real estate experience, as well as my management experience. As a woman who has balanced being a business owner as well as wife/mother/household manager, and also supporting my team, many of whom have those same struggles, I have an excellent ability to time manage, and prioritize tasks. I am also very interested, and educate myself daily, in economic and real estate news, data, and trends. I would enjoy an opportunity to put my interest in these areas to work like I have done in my own business and in the various volunteer positions I have enjoyed.
What Association benefits and/or offerings have provided you the most value in your business?
As a fairly new affiliate member, I have not taken advantage of many of the offerings. But I would say to date, the Political Action Committee has provided the most value, as much of what they fight for benefits not only REALTORS®, but also, and most importantly, consumers. The most recent passing of Act 52 of 2024 is a huge win for the entire industry and consumers!
What industry trends do you feel will affect our association in the upcoming years?
The most obvious would be the NAR Settlement and the affects it will have on Buyer’s Agents and again, consumers. But less obvious, would be home affordability (which I feel will only be exacerbated by the NAR settlement), and corporations amassing single family homes, which could create a generation of renters instead of buyers. I also feel there are a lot of “talking heads” pushing against home ownership as a means to create wealth, and that is something the association should actively counter. Lastly, I think Land Use is something the Association should be talking about (if they are not already). Its not sexy or
popular but the multitude of restrictive land use codes in suburban Philadelphia (and really much of the country) is only adding to the shortage of housing supply and home affordability.
What do you think should be the priority issues being addressed by the Association today?
Again, the NAR Settlement, as its the most impactful at this current moment. Education and training should definitely by Job But also messaging. Many people think what REALTORS® do is easy and they make “all this money”, and then they hear about the Settlement and that sentiment is reinforced. So I think messaging about the value REALTORS® create and add to any transaction is critical right now.
Why are you interested in serving on the Board of Directors?
I have spent the better part of my adult life building my business, and raising a family, (I often joke the business is my 3rd child!). As my business has grown, so has my team and their abilities, and as my children have grown (14/19), I have been able to create more time and space for myself and my own interests. I am now in a position where I can pursue outside interests and activities. I have been considering what that means, and where to put my skillset to work, so when Mike Howell approached me about being considered it was more than serendipitous. I appreciate the nomination and your consideration.