Jerome Scarpello
Leo Mortgage
37 Years of Affiliate Membership
Please expand on your previous leadership experience.
Starting in 1987 I have been involved in various committees including the Outing, Affiliate and Affordable Housing. I was appointed Chair of the Affordable Housing Committee of the former Montgomery County Association of REALTORS®. I was proud to have served a leadership role as the first Affiliate on the Board of Directors of MCAR and helped usher in the transition to the TCSR where I also served on the BODs. After working for both a large and mid-size company I opened my own small business – Leo Mortgage – in 2003 where I established systems of Origination, Marketing and compliance of the delivery of mortgage loans to wholesale lenders. I currently lead a group of twelve employees and celebrated Leo’s 21st anniversary in April of 2024.
What role do you hope to play on the Board?
I hope to support the efforts of the Board by speaking for the affiliate members when it comes to policy and participation. I hope to be able to contribute to the board based on real life experiences with homeowners and financing.
What Association benefits and/or offerings have provided you the most value in your business?
The number one benefit is the networking of REALTORS®. By meeting them outside of a transaction at the various board events/meetings it fosters better relationships and communication when you do have transactions together. A close second would be DocuSign. This has been a game changer for REALTORS® and mortgage professionals alike and is utilized almost daily.
What industry trends do you feel will affect our association in the upcoming years?
To me the obvious answer is the NAR settlement and its impact on how REALTOR® business is done. Interestingly, the mortgage industry went through almost an identical change when it came to commission disclosure. Many were frightened. Weaker mortgage people would struggle but stronger ones would adjust the conversation and not. The mortgage broker fee agreement was born out of this, and I believe my perspective can aide the REALTOR® community by having experienced it. It will also continue to evolve and lenders and REALTORS® must work together to maintain compliance and still deliver to their clients. It is also timely that with the changes in the political world, there is no doubt it will impact the housing industry and the professionals that work within it.
What do you think should be the priority issues being addressed by the Association today?
I think they already do a good job with this but the answer is education. By making available and teaching the members the proper way to navigate the NAR settlement, it will ensure no disruption to the public we serve. But education of all industry related changes is something I believe it’s members have always looked to their association to help with. The association does a good job with this and it should remain the priority. I also think representation at the State and Federal Level is necessary for the strength of the association. By continuing to hold seats at those levels the Association prioritizes the strength of its members.
Why are you interested in serving on the Board of Directors?
1) Networking 2)Education 3)Giving back
1) Networking: It may sound a little direct but I make money by closing mortgage loans. Many of the borrowers are referrals from REALTORS®. The more REALTOR® relationships I can create, the better. I have a track record of providing prompt professional service to REALTORS® and if I do a good job – they are likely to refer me again. As a business owner, this is naturally an interest of mine. 2) Education: the opportunity to be a ‘life learner’ exists with the Association. Not only industry topics but I’ve learned much from my fellow Board Members on topics I would never have the chance to learn about. This includes the presentations from MLS, the Legal Council etc. I can then use this education to do my job better – which in turn serves the members I work with. This is a tremendous Director value that I am interested in. 3) Giving Back: not only to an industry that has given me much – but also to my fellow Affiliates and friendly competitors. By being on the BOD – I feel I can represent a seat at the table for all Affiliates when it comes to Board Matters on policy and procedures. If an affiliate has an issue to address – I hope to be able to be their voice at the BOD table. Thank you for your consideration.