Matt Mittman
RE/MAX Ready
20+ Years of REALTOR® Membership
Please expand on your previous leadership experience.
I lead a small real estate office with my business partner.
What role do you hope to play on the Board?
I don’t know. I need to attend meetings so I can listen and better understand the challenges of the association.
What Association benefits and/or offerings have provided you the most value in your business?
Our associations staff, technology and resources are truly exceptional. When I attend PAR meetings and speak with members from different associations throughout the state it helps me better realize how lucky we are here at our association.
What industry trends do you feel will affect our association in the upcoming years?
Blending the role/value of a realtor with technology. It has changed so much in my 20+ years and I am sure it will continue for the next 20+ years.
What do you think should be the priority issues being addressed by the Association today?
We need to continue to show our members all the resources we have here at the association.
Why are you interested in serving on the Board of Directors?
A friend let me know about this role and I thought it creates an opportunity for me to make a difference in our industry.