Clark Kendus, ABR
D. Patrick Welsh Real Estate, Swarthmore
13 Years Active in Real Estate
What was your career prior to real estate, if applicable?
Prior to real estate I had a 26-year career in Information Technology with two of the area’s largest retailers – Strawbridge & Clothier and Wawa. I began as a main frame programmer and progressed from designing, programming and managing one of the largest Point Of Sale networks on the East coast, culminating with the designing and implementation of internet based corporate systems.
What type of leadership roles have you held outside of real estate?
I have been active in the leadership of my Church serving as a Deacon and multiple times as a member of the Board of Trustees. On a professional level I have held a number of leadership roles in national software user groups and organizations.
As a voice for your colleagues, what strengths/insights will you bring to the Board discussions?
My experience in Information Technology provides me a unique insight and understanding into the ever changing impact and importance of technology and how it affects every facet of our business. I also offer a voice and perspective of a boutique real estate business which is seldom heard.
What issues do you feel the Association should be addressing?
As the pace of technological changes accelerates our industry faces many challenges. Outsiders threaten to insert themselves into many vital roles the REALTOR® has traditionally provided to the consumer. We need to continue to emphasize the vital role we play for consumers and ensure that the REALTOR® brand remains the strongest voice of real estate in the marketplace.
Why are you interested in serving as a member of the Board of Directors?
I am running for the Board of Directors because I feel that it is time for me to give back to an association that is constantly looking for ways to benefit its members. I am motivated by the opportunity to serve as a voice for members, to offer my knowledge, to provide leadership and to contribute innovative ideas that will impact the overall growth and quality of the membership.