The Association makes available to its members the option of subscribing to the Supra® eKey service and purchasing electronic lockboxes (iBoxes) for use on listings. The Association strongly believes that this system is the most secure way of granting members entry into properties. Now more cost-effective and convenient to use, only REALTORS® and Affiliate members are permitted to utilize the Supra® eKey service and iBoxes.

Members interested in using the Supra® eKey service and iBoxes are required to call or make a virtual appointment to obtain their key (eKey service) or electronic lockbox (iBox).

NOTE: Members are not required to use the Supra® eKey or lockboxes in their business. Please note sharing of the Supra® eKey is prohibited as noted in the Supra® eKey agreement.

NOTE to REALTORS®: In order to utilize the Supra® eKey service and iBoxes, you must have an active Pennsylvania real estate license.


Click Here to Make a Virtual eKEY Appointment

View Instruction Video on how to “Obtain Key” 


Supra® eKey gives agents accurate, timely access, and management for leads, listing, and property access. The Supra® eKey is compatible with Android and iPhone. The newest version of the Supra® eKey app requires an Apple® iOS 12 or greater​​​​ or an Android OS 8 or greater.


*Supra® will make an automatic debit withdrawal from your account on the 21st of each month. Note that the activation fee and a prorated monthly fee are charged upon initiating the eKey service.

Electronic iBox BT LE Lockboxes

The Supra® Electronic iBox BT LE is the device that is placed on properties in order to secure access to the keypad of the house. Lockboxes can only be accessed through the use of a Supra® eKey. Please note that only REALTORS® who have subscribed to the Supra® eKEY through Tri-County Suburban are eligible to purchase lockboxes:


Support and Resources

Require support outside of Tri-County Suburban REALTORS® operating hours?  Please contact Supra® technical and billing support directly at 877-699-6787. Support is available 8 am to 10 pm daily, seven days a week. The following resources can also provide assistance:


Additional questions or interest in obtaining a Supra® eKey or electronic iBox, please contact Tina Lavelle at or Jeri O’Hara at