Money, Money: Where is it? Who Gets it? | Newtown Sq. Fire Hall, Newtown Square
A binding agreement of sale requires consideration; an exchange of promises between buyer and seller. The overarching promise involves the exchange of money for the property. Collecting, securing, and delivering the money are key elements to the transaction. This course will dig deep into the fiduciary obligations and the requirements of RELRA with respect to money so that licensees can properly advise and advocate for their respective clients.
May 14th; 1:30pm-5:00pm
Newtown Square Fire Hall
2 Charles Ellis Drive
Newtown Square, PA 19073
$45.00 (FREE for MCE Season Pass holders)
3.5 hours 2022-2024 PA License Renewal
3 CLE Credits (Substantive)
Pat Moyer
Register Now (once logged in, click “Events” then “Upcoming Classes”) or call the Association of REALTORS® School at 610-560-4900.
Questions? Contact Michelle Leister, ARS Director of Student Services.