Jaimee Brosko-Smith
RE/MAX Hometown, Media
13 Years Active in Real Estate
What was your career prior to real estate, if applicable?
Prior to being in real estate I was an area trainer for Sprint Wireless.
What type of leadership roles have you held outside of real estate?
As mentioned above I was an area trainer for Sprint Wireless which involved training teams of associates and management in big box stores such as Best Buy. Prior to this I was an assistant manager at Express (clothing store). Currently I manage a team of five agents and two assistants.
As a voice for your colleagues, what strengths/insights will you bring to the Board discussions?
I believe that I will speak for many underrepresented agents in the field. My team is very diverse made up of women and minorities. We also do most of our business in price ranges below 300k and primarily in neighborhoods such as Drexel Hill, Upper Darby, Ridley, Havertown, etc. We are interacting with agents every day whose voices I do not believe are heard at the Board level.
What issues do you feel the Association should be addressing?
The lack of diversity and assisting all agents they need to become more involved in the Association. I do not believe most agents know what their Association does for them and only look at Suburban West as a means for continuing education.
Why are you interested in serving as a member of the Board of Directors?
I believe that I can make a difference and want to become more involved in issues bigger than myself or my immediate team.